
2023-09-02 10:40:40 作者:乜一


I have an 'optional' parameter on a method that is a KeyValuePair. I wanted an overload that passes null to the core method for this parameter, but in the core method, when I want to check if the KeyValuePair is null, I get the following error:

Operator '!=' cannot be applied to operands of type System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string,object>' and '<null>.


How can I not be allowed to check if an object is null?


KeyValuePair&LT; K,V&GT; 是一个结构,而不是一类。这就像做的:

KeyValuePair<K,V> is a struct, not a class. It's like doing:

int i = 10;
if (i != null) ...


(Although that is actually legal, with a warning, due to odd nullable conversion rules. The important bit is that the if condition will never be true.)


To make it "optional", you can use the nullable form:

static void Foo(KeyValuePair<object,string>? pair)
    if (pair != null)
    // Other code

请注意的?在 KeyValuePair&LT;对象,字符串&GT;