
2023-09-04 09:06:52 作者:偿归







I'm not sure whether I need to add an exit button to my app. Is there any point to doing this? And if on exiting one activity or service is not .finish() or closed properly could this cause a lot of damage?

解决方案 android studio button位置 最佳Android应用程序开发工具 IDE

You don't need to add en exit button. If you don't, your activity will just be kept in memory until the system reclaims it. It will not consume any cpu.

Of course, if you have any worker threads running you should stop them in onStop() or onPause(), depending on what your threads are doing.

Many applications add an exit button, for some reason. I guess the reason is that they don't trust themselves to write proper code or they don't trust the Android OS to clean up properly.

Not going through the correct finish procedures will not cause any damage to others than yourself.