
2023-09-04 08:44:26 作者:现在,你就开始炫耀啦


Is it possible to write extension method in PowerShell? or to bolt a new method on top of an existing type like [string] live at runtime?


我不知道的方式来修补与类型的扩展方法。但它肯定可以通过使用add-me​​mber cmdlet来修补对象

I don't know of a way to patch a type with an extension method. But it's certainly possible to patch an object via the add-member cmdlet

PS> $a = "foo"
PS> $a = add-member -in $a -memberType ScriptMethod -name Bar -value { $this + "bar" } -passthru
PS> $a.Foo()


EDIT Explain the completely and totally readable PowerShell Syntax :)


I love PowerShell but it really does come up with cryptic syntax from time to time.

- 在:这是短期的inputObject,基本上说,添加成员到本 在 - memberType:有许多不同类型的值可以添加到包括方法,注意属性,code法等运行时的对象...查看获取帮助附加成员-full为完整列表 在 - 中继:取,只是有一个成员加入到它的对象,并将其推下来的管道。如果没有这个标志的分配将分配和空管道 $ A 。 分配呼叫基本上确保 $ A 现在有你添加的方法 "-in": This is short for inputObject and essentially says add member to this "-memberType": There are many different types of values you can add to a runtime object including methods, note properties, code method, etc ... See "get-help add-member -full" for a complete list "-passthru": Take the object that just had a member added to it and push it down the pipeline. Without this flag the assignment would be assigning and empty pipeline to $a. The assignment call is basically ensuring that $a now has the method you added