Android的 - 语音控制 - 媒体意图意图、语音、媒体、Android

2023-09-04 06:15:08 作者:艳遇

我刚开始看Android开发,我创建一个小应用程序,它会映射听的意图,以媒体播放器功放(最近发布的API)。 这个程序有没有GUI是mearly语音控制与功放之间的胶水。

I've just started looking at Android development and I'm creating a little application which will map the "Listen to" intent to the media player power amp (recently released api). This app has no gui it is mearly a glue between Voice control and power amp.


I can catch the intent and control power amp but my issue is that in order to capture I must declare my app as an activity and so when I use Voice Control to send the intent my app loads on the screen. I have tried to declare the app as a receiver\service but I wasn't able to get them to capture the intent.


How can the app run hidden but still capture this intent?




If I understand your needs correctly, you dont actually need any Activity in your app. Just a class that extends BroadcastReceiver and implements the onRecieve(Context, Intent) method of it.


And then in your manifest you can bind that receiver to specific intents you want to listen for. You app will be started without a UI with the entry point being the BroadcastReceiver class you implement.


The manifest entries will look something like:

<receiver android:name=".MyBroadcastReceiver">
                <action android:name="" />
                <action android:name="" />
                <!-- <action android:name="" /> -->
                <!-- <action android:name="" />-->
                <action android:name="" />
                <action android:name="" />
                <!--  <action android:name="" />-->
                <!--  <action android:name="" /> -->
                <action android:name="" /> 
                <action android:name="com.nullsoft.winamp.metachanged" />
                <action android:name="com.nullsoft.winamp.playstatechanged" />  