
2023-09-04 05:28:48 作者:红装。待出阁

有没有一种方法来访问一个DOTNET应用WMP10 +的播放速度控制?

用户层面上的播放控制信息 解决方案

如果您使用的是MediaElement的对象,我会建议调整的 Speed​​Ratio财产。下面是一个例如微软。


Is there a way to access WMP10+'s playback speed controls in a dotnet app?


User level information on the Playback control information


If you are using a MediaElement object, I would suggest adjusting the SpeedRatio property. Here is an example from Microsoft.

From your comment, it sounds like the SpeedRatio is the way to go. Because it allows you to adjust the playback speed. The MediaElement or MediaPlayer is basically just a Windows Media Player.