
2023-09-04 04:28:29 作者:伊人笑


Before I go digging through the IL, hopefully someone has run into this issue before:

尝试登录第三方组件(在此情况下,最新的HtmlAgilityPack)。我以前没有问题,做到了这一点。这样做一般的反汇编=> ILASM,但是当我去用我的新签名的程序集,Visual Studio中抱怨它不能枚举资源的可执行文件。可能是什么原因?

Trying to sign a third-party assembly (in this case, the latest HtmlAgilityPack). I've done this before with no issues. Doing the usual ildasm => ilasm, but when I go to use my newly-signed assembly, Visual Studio complains it "cannot enumerate resources in the executable". What might cause this?



I've done it before too. If it's managed only, one pass through Mono.Cecil and Mono.Security can do it.


If you're in a hurry, disassemble with ildasm, add the public key declaration to the resulting .il file (it's a long text file, reference a disassembled signed assembly for syntax), and recompile with ilasm. Don't forget to relink resources with /res:assemblyname.res.