
2023-09-03 17:28:09 作者:隱身→垨候


I believe with JPGs, the width and height information is stored within the first few bytes. What's the easiest way to get this information given an absolute URI?



First, you can request the first hundred bytes of an image using the Range header.

HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
request.Headers.Set(HttpRequestHeader.UserAgent, "Range: bytes=0-100");

接下来,你需要去code。该 UNIX 文件命令具有共同格式的表格,并将重要信息的位置。我建议安装Cygwin和采取看看的/ usr /共享/文件/魔术

有关 GIF png格式的,你可以很容易地获得图像的尺寸由前32个字节。然而,对于JPEG文件,@Andrew是正确的,你不能可靠地获取这些信息。你可以计算出它是否有一个缩略图,缩略图的大小。

For gif's and png's, you can easily get the image dimensions from the first 32 bytes. However, for JPEGs, @Andrew is correct in that you can't reliably get this information. You can figure out if it has a thumbnail, and the size of the thumbnail.


The get the actual jpeg size, you need to scan for the start of frame tag. Unfortunately, one can't reliably determine where this is going to be in advance, and a thumbnail could push it several thousand bytes into the file.


I'd recommend using the range request to get the first 32 bytes. This will let you determine the file type. After which, if it's a JPEG, then download the whole file, and use a library to get the size information.