
2023-09-04 02:42:29 作者:住进时光里


I am trying to track strange things going on in my Windows Forms application with a TextWriterTraceListener pointed to a file location. I have it set up so that the first time the application needs to trace something during the run of the program, it creates the trace listener and registers it.

不过,它看起来像跟踪文件不获取所有创建的,没有出现在C:\ GMS2Trace.log。我已经验证,该方案已经达到了code调用跟踪方法的部分。

However, it looks like the trace file is not getting created at all, nothing showed up at C:\GMS2Trace.log. I have verified that the program has reached parts of the code that call the trace method.


My trace code looks like:

internal static void traceWarning(string message)
    if (!traceEnabled)
        traceEnabled = true;
        Trace.Listeners.Add(new TextWriterTraceListener(@"C:\GMS2Trace.log"));

    Trace.TraceWarning(getTimeStamp() + " " + message);


Is it a problem with the location of the trace file, or something else?



You can configure it all from app.config and just use:



Example from one of my projects:

  <trace autoflush="true" indentsize="4">
      <add name="myListener" type="System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener" initializeData="log.log" />
      <remove name="Default" />

但请记住,所有Console.Writeline allso结束了在文件

Remember though that all Console.Writeline allso ends up in the file