DebugDiag资料没有显示在.NET 4 .NET堆栈信息堆栈、资料、信息、DebugDiag

2023-09-03 16:24:58 作者:太过自作多情会成病


Feels like there's probably a simple answer to this, but I haven't been able to find it.


The scenario in question is a C# .NET Console app.

我通常使用DebugDiag资料1.2来检查的.dmp是来自挂起文件中,我们经历 - 通常是线程锁定问题。他们使用DebugDiag资料的创建完整用户转储选项创建的。

I commonly use DebugDiag 1.2 to examine .dmp files that come from hangs we experience - usually thread locking issues. They are created using DebugDiag's "Create Full Userdump" option.

我最近开始编制面向.NET 4 preparation的开始使用一些.NET 4的功能的应用程序。然而,我注意到,与DebugDiag资料分析这些.dmp文件时,所有的.NET堆栈信息丢失。

I recently began compiling the app targeting .NET 4 in preparation for starting to use some of .NET 4's features. However, I noticed that when analyzing these .dmp files with DebugDiag, all the .NET stack information is missing.

如果我改变CLR目标回.NET 3.5,以及捕捉新的可执行的.dmp,在.NET调用堆栈信息是存在的。

If I change the CLR target back to .NET 3.5, and capture a .dmp from the new executable, the .NET call stack information is there.


When I look at the output of DebugDiag, I see one note that says:


CLR版本= 4.0.30319.17929 CLR调试器扩展= C:\ PROGRAM   文件\ DebugDiag资料\ EXTS \ psscor4.dll

CLR version = 4.0.30319.17929 CLR Debugger Extension = C:\Program Files\DebugDiag\Exts\psscor4.dll



Failed to request ThreadStore

我presume是'无法请求ThreadStore是关键的问题,因为.NET 3.5 .DMP文件(这是使用psscor2.dll)报告主题摘要标题下的所有线程信息

I presume that 'Failed to Requested ThreadStore' is the key to the issue, since the .NET 3.5 .DMP file (which is using psscor2.dll) reports all the thread information under the 'Threads Summary' header.


Is the issue that the .dmp is missing information, or DebugDiag is unable to retrieve it for some reason?


最后,这个解决本身。我发了问题微软这件事,他们说,DebugDiag资料1.1不支持.NET 4+。他们发布了1.2版不是很久以前,它不会 - 再次就像一个魅力:

Ultimately, this one solved itself. I sent a question to Microsoft about it, and they said that DebugDiag 1.1 does not support .NET 4+. They released v1.2 not too long ago, which does - works like a charm again:我们/下载/ details.aspx?ID = 26798