.NET 4.5普遍成员提供的表名普遍、成员、NET

2023-09-04 02:38:47 作者:何必假装成熟

有没有什么办法preFIX在数据库中的新的.NET 4.5 De​​faultMembershipProvider表名?他们曾经被命名为aspnet_Users,aspnet_Roles等,以及它们现在被命名为只是用户,角色等,这是相互矛盾与具有表用户我的应用模式。

Is there any way to prefix the new .NET 4.5 DefaultMembershipProvider table names in the database? They used to be named aspnet_Users, aspnet_Roles etc. and they are now named just Users, Roles, etc. which is conflicting with my application schema that has a table User.


Is my only option to use a separate database for membership if I want to use the new universal providers and avoid this naming issue?



Unfortunately there is no way to customize the table names for the Universal Providers currently, I'll make sure we consider adding support for this in the future.
