如何引用C:\用户\ Public目录编程方式在C#方式、目录、用户、Public

2023-09-03 16:11:35 作者:是男人就像爷们一样


Is it safe to programmatically reference the public folder through:

Directory = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("public")+"MyCompanyName" // etc.


or is there a better way?


Again, what if someone deletes the environment variable for public, and is this safe to use for different language OSs?

本如下:How安装从VS 2010部署安装项目在Windows 7中的公共目录。


这取决于你想要达到什么目的。 有一个名为 SpecialFolder ENUM。你可以用它来获取路径一些目录。 例如:

It depends on what you want to achieve. There is a ENUM called SpecialFolder. You can use it to get the Path to some Directories. For Example:



points to "C:\Users\Public\Desktop".

恕我直言,你的方式是没有错的,但我会做一些异常处理的情况下,ENVVAR真的丢失。 你也可以使用ENUM以CommonDesktopDirectory,摆脱了\桌面的部分。

IMHO, your way isn't wrong, though i would do some Exception Handling in case the EnvVar is really missing. Also you could use the ENUM with "CommonDesktopDirectory" and get rid of the "\Desktop" part.