
2023-09-03 13:53:27 作者:想念的不多只有那抹浅笑╮

Dofactory 拥有3.5框架,用于开发软件,包括一些设计模式,这是在文档中说明。有利用其具有的WinForm,WPF,ASP.NET(的WebForms),ASP.NET MVC用户界面框架构建了一个简单的应用程序,再加上DAL的使用LINQ和放大器;在现实世界中的应用程序中使用ADO.NET这使得它成为一个学习工具和框架的候选者。




我已经使用DoFactory 2.0,我真的很喜欢它附带的文档。特别是当它表现在哪里设计模式在.NET Framework中使用。

该框架是很好的,因为我是能够得到认真处理发生的事情,其中​​的意义。我喜欢它是如何包含一些PEAA patterens的。我会非常有兴趣如何MVC和WPF客户已经实施。

你买这个看看小号#ARP Architure


Dofactory has a 3.5 framework for developing software and includes some design patterns which are explained in a document. There's a sample app built using the framework which has user interfaces for WinForm, WPF, ASP.NET (WebForms), ASP.NET MVC, plus DAL's using Linq & ADO.NET which makes it a candidate for a learning tool and a framework to be used in real world apps.

ssh框架合成Error creating bean with name sessionFactory defined in class path resource求高手解答

I am not sure about the quality and ease of use of the framework. I would like to hear opinions from people who actually used it and from ones who hear stories about it.

I am also interested in similar good frameworks which include a DAL and business layers (beside CSLA).


I have used DoFactory 2.0, I really like the documentation which came with it. especially where it showed where design pattern were used in the .Net framework.

the framework was good, in the sense that i was able to get to grips with what goes where. I liked how it included some of the PEAA patterens. I would be very interested how the MVC and WPF clients have been implemented.

before you buy this have a look at S#arp Architure

which has a full pledged orm, IoC, MVC, WCF, Domain Driven, Unit Testing, Validation, each of these tools are based on patterns... also look around the site, its has good documentation