
2023-09-03 11:10:54 作者:别说我丑你没资本@

我一直在阅读了很多(和搜索很多),但无法找到一个体面的资源开始使用的 Facebook的C#SDK的WP7 。我不是在寻找为code施舍,而是一个起点,以使用这个库来开发我的WP7应用程序。

I've been reading alot (and searching alot) but can not find a decent resource for getting started with Facebook C# SDK for WP7. I'm NOT looking for a handout of code but rather a starting point to using this library to develop my WP7 app.


I'm aiming to provide a feature to authenticate a user and allow them to post to facebook.

我读过他们的文档并没有任何的话题,就如何与Facebook(???)注册您的应用程序。他们有2链接起步,但他们带来了一个空白页面。我遇到了同样的大多数示例都瞄准.NET 4(桌面)或ASP.NET不使用同一型号的WP7(Silverlight的)。

I've read their documentation and there isn't anything on the topic, just how to register your app with facebook (???). They have 2 links to getting started but they bring up an empty page. Also most examples I have run into are targeting .NET 4(for desktop) or ASP.NET which do not use the same model as WP7(silverlight).


I've looked at the classes and methods provided, and they look easy to implement but apparently there are prelimenary steps needed (what are these?).


I know we would probably have to set up a new instance of the facebook app, and then authenticate but so far I have not been very successful in figuring this out.


Could someone please share some resources on where to get started with this? Thanks.


有一款Windows Phone 7中的 Facebook的C#SDK库:

There is a Windows Phone 7 specific sample in the Facebook C# SDK library:

样品/ CSWinPhone7SimpleApp.sln



It shows how to authentificate a user.