
2023-09-04 02:43:53 作者:轻熟杀无赦


I have a GridView that's tied to an ObjectDataSource. I have a method that returns a DataTable. How do I feed the DataTable to the ObjectDataSource so that the GridView is updated in code?


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 
    MyClass obj = new MyClass(textbox.Text);
    DataTable dt = obj.GetData();

    ObjectDataSource1.DataSource = dt; 


Yes, I know that the ODS does not have DataSource property. That's why I'm stuck.

如果你在想,为什么不直接分配GridView的数据表;答案是:我们想通过消耗臭氧层物质+ GridView的组合提供的自动分拣能力

If you're thinking, why not just assign the GridView the DataTable directly; the answer is: We like the auto-sorting capabilities offered by the ODS + GridView combo.

在谷歌所有搜索已返回是如何从ODS得到DT。我无法找到如何获得DT到ODS一个参考。这似乎是这是一个相当普遍的需求,因为人们从ASP.NET 1.1未来将有大量的code产生DT,如果他们想更新UI,他们将要得到DT到ODS。

All searches on Google have returned are how to get a DT from an ODS. I can't find a single reference on how to get a DT into the ODS. It would seem that this is quite a common need since people coming from ASP.NET 1.1 will have a lot of code that generates DT and if they want to update the UI, they will want to get the DT into the ODS.



(objDtSrcUsers.Select() as DataView).Table.DataSet