
2023-09-03 10:36:56 作者:日久见人心

可能重复:    C#成员变量初始化;最好的做法?

Possible Duplicate: C# member variable initialization; best practice?


public class RemotingEngine
    uint m_currentValueId;
    object m_lock;

    public RemotingEngine()
        m_currentValueId = 0;
        m_lock = new object();


vs. this:

public class RemotingEngine
    uint m_currentValueId = 0;
    object m_lock = new object();


I have been avoiding the second one just because it feels 'dirty'. It is obviously less typing so that is appealing to me.


它可以使在继承的情况有所不同。查看对象的初始化顺序此链接: http://www.csharp411.com/c-object-initialization/

It can make a difference in an inheritance situation. See this link on the object initialization order: http://www.csharp411.com/c-object-initialization/

派生的静态字段 派生静态构造函数 派生实例字段 在相应的静态字段 在相应的静态构造函数 在相应的实例字段 在相应的实例构造 派生实例构造


So if this is a derived class, the entire base object is initialized between when your derived field is initialized and when your constructor runs.