
2023-09-04 01:30:56 作者:以王之姿俯视世界

我遇到了一个新的名词叫 CQRS(命令查询责任分离)其中指出,概念模型,应该被拆分到命令模式和查询模式为其中的命令和查询在​​相同的模式发生了一个典型的CRUD模型。文章已全部理论的信息。

I came across a new term named CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) which states that the conceptual model should be split into command model and query model as a typical CRUD model in which the command and query happens in the same model. The article has all theory information.

我不明白我应该与ASP.net MVC3,EF 4.3和jQuery项目实现这一点。

I don't understand how I should implement this in a project with ASP.net MVC3, EF 4.3 and jQuery.


Can anybody suggest me how to practically implement it in my project?


CQRS之旅是一个良好的开端。我也建议你看A远航入CQRS 的Channel9上。

CQRS Journey is a good place to start. I also suggest you watch A Journey into CQRS on Channel9.


Anyway, the best thing to learn CQRS is to try it by yourself. For me, I have to learn how to adapt it to my projects for around 6 months.