是否Funq IOC容器支持财产注射?容器、财产、Funq、IOC

2023-09-03 07:14:44 作者:耍酷是爷的资本

我在寻找一个IoC容器我Compact Framework的应用程序中使用。试行Funq我注意到,我无法找到一个方法来做到物业注射用它。

I'm looking for an IoC container to use in my Compact Framework application. Trying out Funq I noticed that I can't find a way to do Property Injection with it.


I've looked through the discussion on the project's site and the unit tests for it, but I can't find any example of Property Injection.


Does Funq support Property Injection?



Well wouldn't that generally go something like this?

myContainer.Register<IUserRepository>(() =>
        var myRepository = new SomeUserRepository();
        myRepository.SomeProperty = someValue;

        return myRepository;