
2023-09-03 06:07:02 作者:一辈子太短


I was reading Jeffrey Richter's clr via c# book and felt uncomfortable reading that task wait may not always wait and I quote

当一个线程调用wait方法时,系统会检查任务   该线程等待已开始执行。如果是,则   该线程调用wait会阻塞,直到任务完成   运行。但是,如果任务还没有开始执行尚未,则   系统可以(取决于的TaskScheduler)通过​​执行任务   使用所谓的等待线程。如果发生这种情况,则该线程   呼叫等待,不阻塞;它执行任务并返回   马上。

"When a thread calls the Wait method, the system checks if the Task that the thread is waiting for has started executing. If it has, then the thread calling Wait will block until the Task has completed running. But if the Task has not started executing yet, then the system may (depending on the TaskScheduler ) execute the Task by using the thread that called Wait . If this happens, then the thread calling Wait does not block; it executes the Task and returns immediately."


Can some one please share more insight and in which case can such a scenario may happen?



I think this is unfortunately phrased. It's not that the Wait call returns before the task has finished executing; it's that the thread calling Wait may end up executing the task itself, rather than just blocking idly.


using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

class Test
    static void Main()
        // Make sure DemonstrateIssue is already called in a ThreadPool
        // thread...
        Task task = Task.Run((Action) DemonstrateIssue);

    static void DemonstrateIssue()
        Console.WriteLine("DemonstrateIssue thread: {0}",
        Action action = () => Console.WriteLine("Inner task thread: {0}",
        Task task = new Task(action);
        // Calling Start will just schedule it... we may be able to Wait
        // before it actually executed


Output every time I've run it:

DemonstrateIssue thread: 3
Inner task thread: 3

这利用了一个事实,即线程池不运转了线程的马上的需求 - 它会等待一段时间,看看是否在另一个开始之前现有的线程就可以使用了。如果添加的Thread.Sleep(5000); 调用 task.Wait()之前,你会看到这两个任务结束了在不同的线程。

This takes advantage of the fact that the thread pool doesn't spin up threads immediately on demand - it waits for a while to see if an existing thread will become available before starting another one. If you add Thread.Sleep(5000); before the call to task.Wait(), you'll see the two tasks end up on different threads.