
2023-09-03 05:49:45 作者:相关好听的昵称推荐>>


Which rules does VS (msbuild?) follow during solution build? In which cases it will copy indirectly referenced asemblies to output folder and in which not?



I've just been a bit of experimentation, and it looks like any indirectly referenced assembly which has a type directly referenced by code in another assembly will be copied. If there's nothing in code, it won't be. Here's my sample scenario:

MainProgram(主程序):控制台应用程序的直接引用DirectAssembly。 code在主营:

MainProgram: Console application with a direct reference to DirectAssembly. Code in Main:

var foo = new DirectAssembly.SampleClass();

DirectAssembly:类库与直接引用IndirectAssembly。包含 SampleClass

public class SampleClass
    // Comment out this line to change the behaviour...
    IndirectAssembly.IndirectClass neverUsed = null;

    public SampleClass()
        object x = Activator.CreateInstance("IndirectAssembly",


IndirectAssembly:包含一个公共类 IndirectClass 与公共参数的构造函数

IndirectAssembly: Contains a public class IndirectClass with a public parameterless constructor


As described above, it works because IndirectAssembly is copied into the output folder of MainProgram. If you comment out the line indicated in SampleClass, IndirectAssembly is not copied (even though it's still a reference) and the code will fail at execution time.


I'm not saying these are all the rules, but they're at least a start...