
2023-09-03 04:09:46 作者:小鲜肉*


I'm getting the following error when I try to install one of my ClickOnce applications:

有关此部署的应用程序是   用不同已经安装   应用程序标识。

An application for this deployment is already installed with a different application identity.


I understand this is because I have used the same Application Identity but moved the deployment URL. I'd like to just uninstall the existing ClickOnce application and install from the new deployment location, however the existing application does not show in Add/Remove Programs.


How can I remove the existing ClickOnce application so that it will let me install from the new location?


在没有找到另一种选择,你可以尝试的法师工具与 -cc 开关。被告知,该清除的所有仅联机应用程序下载的应用程序缓存。

Failing to find another alternative you can try the mage tool with the -cc switch. Be advised that this clears the downloaded application cache of all online-only applications.