
2023-09-03 03:41:50 作者:貧血的吸血鬼

我只是想知道有多少USB摄像头可以由一个台式电脑进行访问?有没有什么限制?我打算创建自己的Windows应用程序(使用.NET)来捕获连接到我的台式机约10 USB摄像头。这可能吗?

I am just wondering how many USB cameras can be accessed by one desktop PC? Is there any limit? I am planning to create my own Windows application (using .NET) to capture around 10 USB cameras that are connected to my desktop PC. Is this possible?



The problem is not how many you can discover. On a single USB bus, ~127 could be possible.


But, a USB bus can only transfer a limited amount of bytes per second. So if you want to use more then one, you have to calculate the amount of bandwidth you have for the video stream.

例: USB总线通常可以切实提供〜35 MB /秒。 640 * 480 * 2每像素每帧=> 614400字节字节。 @ 30 FPS这是〜17 MB / s,因此你可以同时使用2个摄像头与此设置。

Example : A USB bus normally can deliver realistically ~35 MB/s. 640*480*2 bytes per pixel => 614400 bytes per frame. @30 FPS this is ~17 MB/s, so you can use 2 cameras simultaneously with this setup.