一个列表框基于一个文本框的使用只在WPF XAML的文本过滤项只在、文本框、文本、列表

2023-09-03 03:35:33 作者:东京街尾的樱花雨°


I currently have a ListBox binded to a collection of items. As the collection is big we want to filter the items being shown based on the text entered on a TextBox.


What I'm asking is if this is possible to implement using only XAML, I don't want to modify the collection of items, I would like to modify the Visibility of each of the items based on the filter.




像codeNaked和devdigital告诉你CollectionViewSource /的CollectionView / ICollectionView的 的关键是你的目标

Like CodeNaked and devdigital told you CollectionViewSource/CollectionView/ICollectionView are the keys to your goal

这是一个MVVM图案,但是这是一个只查看相关的问题,所以我不知道   希望这个code。在视图模型。

It's a MVVM patter but this is a View only related problem so I don't want this code at the ViewModel.

这就是不正确的做法,因为该视图只显示了她get's但shouldn't modifi 所以应该/必须是你的ViewModel谁韩德尔的变化

thats not the right way because the View only shows what she get´s but shouldn´t modifi so it should/must be your ViewModel who handel changes


so now some code snips:

    public class myVM
        public CollectionViewSource CollViewSource { get; set; }
        public string SearchFilter

                CollViewSource.View.Refresh(); // important to refresh your View
        public myVM(YourCollection)
            CollViewSource = new CollectionViewSource();//onload of your VM class
            CollViewSource.Source = YourCollection;//after ini YourCollection


Xaml Snip:

        <TextBox Height="23" HorizontalAlignment="Left"  Name="tB" VerticalAlignment="Top" 
                 Width="120" Text="{Binding SearchFilter,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />
        <DataGrid Name="testgrid" ItemsSource="{Binding CollViewSource.View}"/>


Edit i forgot the Filter

private void AddFilter()
    CollViewSource.Filter -= new FilterEventHandler(Filter);
    CollViewSource.Filter += new FilterEventHandler(Filter);  


private void Filter(object sender, FilterEventArgs e)
    // see Notes on Filter Methods:
    var src = e.Item as YourCollectionItemTyp;
    if (src == null)
        e.Accepted = false;
    else if ( src.FirstName !=null && !src.FirstName.Contains(SearchFilter))// here is FirstName a Property in my YourCollectionItem
        e.Accepted = false;