
2023-09-03 02:02:01 作者:嘲笑我的痴心


I am looking for some useful open source projects that I wish to participate. Please provide the websites and the projects.


网站类似谷歌code , SourceForge上和的 codePLEX 容纳成千上万的开源项目,将喜爱的帮助。

Sites like Google Code, SourceForge, and CodePlex host thousands of open source projects that would love help.

不过,我的建议是看看你目前的使用的开源项目。想办法,他们可以改进,确定了需要修复的bug ......然后做吧!另一种伟大的方式来贡献是通过编写文档。再次,看看你使用的项目。写入门指南,有助于API文档,写了一系列的博客文章。其中最大的障碍,开放源码采用的是缺乏良好的文档。这不是因为好玩或性感的编码,但它是为促进项目的关键,是一个很好的方式开始。

However, my suggestion would be to look at the open source projects that you currently use. Think of ways they could be improved, identify bugs that need to be fixed... and then do it! Another great way to contribute is by writing documentation. Again, look at the projects you use. Write a getting started guide, contribute API documentation, write a series of blog posts. One of the biggest barriers to open source adoption is the lack of good documentation. It isn't as fun or sexy as coding, but it is critical to promoting a project and is a good way to get started.