有没有办法写在Windows7和放大器WinRT的应用程序; VS2010?放大器、没有办法、写在、应用程序

2023-09-03 00:28:40 作者:失眠病态男i

有没有办法写在Windows7和放大器WinRT的应用程序; VS2010?一些SDK下载?

Is there a way to write WinRT apps in Windows7 & VS2010? Some SDK to download?


I'm particularly interested in networking stuff (Windows.Networking.Socktes)

或者我需要使用Windows 8开发者preVIEW?

Or do I need to use Windows 8 developer preview?


如果有一种方法可以做到这一点在Windows 7上我还没有看到它。

If there is a way to do it on Windows 7 I haven't seen it.

您可以下载VS 11(在FX 4.5),但它并没有任何RT的东西。

You can download VS 11 (with Fx 4.5) but it does not have any RT stuff.

所以,是的,在运8 preVIEW似乎在这一刻的唯一途径。不要得到最大的下载。

So yes, the Win 8 preview seems to be the only route at this moment. Do get the largest download.
