如何prevent ListBox.SelectedIndexChanged事件?事件、prevent、ListBox、SelectedIndexChanged

2023-09-03 00:21:28 作者:酷似一个小祖宗

我使用的是列表框在我的C#2.0 Windows窗体应用程序。填充列表框中的方法是

I am using a listbox in my C#2.0 windows forms application. The method to populate the list box is

    private void PopulateListBox(ListBox lb, ReportColumnList reportColumnList)
        lb.DataSource = reportColumnList.ReportColumns;
        lb.DisplayMember = "ColumnName";
        lb.ValueMember = "ColumnName";

然而,当它执行它也要求列表框的SelectedIndexChanged事件处理程序,即使我不是设定在方法选择的指数方法同上。我怎样才能prevent被要求对上述code SelectedIndexChanged事件处理程序?

However, when it executes the method it also calls the SelectedIndexChanged event handler of the listbox, even though I am not setting the selected index in the method above. How can I prevent the SelectedIndexChanged event handler from being called for the above code?


I want the event to be called only when the user makes the selections in the ListBox. Or is there any other event which is only for user selecting listbox items using mouse click?


On another note, even if the user clicks on an empty area in the list box the SelectedIndexChanged event gets fired. So I am wondering how different is it from the MouseClick event?



You can populate the listbox using lb.Items.AddRange() instead of setting the datasource. In addition to not triggering the SelectedIndexChanged, this also won't pre-select the first item.
