如何燮锁屏preSS通知中的Andr​​oid 5(棒棒堂),但让它在通知区域?通知、它在、棒棒、区域

2023-09-04 12:44:36 作者:未来。

升级到Android 5.0之后棒棒糖就开始出现持续的自动通知,在锁屏。

After upgrade to Android 5.0 Lollipop it started showing automatically ongoing notification on lock screen.


Sometimes users don't want to see all of them so they are asking developers how to let notification in status area but hide them on lock screen.


Only way I found is to force users use screen lock (eg. Gesture or PIN) and programatically setVisibility() to VISIBILITY_SECRET. But not all them want to use screen lock.


Is there any flag (or combination of flags) saying to notification: don't be visible on Lock screen but be visible in notification area?


由于覆盖这个答案,你可以使用 VISIBILITY_SECRET 到晚饭preSS锁屏上的通知,当用户有一个安全的键盘锁(不只是轻扫或没有键盘锁),拥有灵敏的通知燮pressed。


As covered by this answer, you can use VISIBILITY_SECRET to suppress the notification on the lock screen when the user has a secure keyguard (not just swipe or no keyguard) and has sensitive notifications suppressed.

要支付的情况下,剩下的,你可以通过设置通知的优先级编程方式隐藏在锁屏和状态栏的通知 PRIORITY_MIN 每当键盘保护 为present然后重置优先每当键盘锁是不存在的。

To cover the rest of the cases, you can programmatically hide the notification from the lock screen and status bar by setting the notification's priority to PRIORITY_MIN whenever the keyguard is present and then reset the priority whenever the keyguard is absent.


Using an Android 5 emulator, this seems to result in the notification very briefly appearing on the lock screen but then disappearing.

final BroadcastReceiver notificationUpdateReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        NotificationManager notificationManager =

        NotificationCompat.Builder builder =
            new NotificationCompat.Builder(context);

        KeyguardManager keyguardManager =

        if (keyguardManager.isKeyguardLocked())

        notificationManager.notify(YOUR_NOTIFICATION_ID, notification);

//For when the screen might have been locked
    new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF));

//Just in case the screen didn't get a chance to finish turning off but still locked
    new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON));

//For when the user unlocks the device
    new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_USER_PRESENT));

//For when the user changes users
    new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_USER_BACKGROUND));
    new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_USER_FOREGROUND));