
2023-09-04 00:07:43 作者:决定一个人走

在讨论密封类,所谓虚函数表中提到相当频繁。到底是什么呢?我刚才读到的方法表(我不记得这两种目的的目的),并在这里谷歌/搜索带来了C ++相关的结果。

When discussing sealed classes, the term "virtual function table" is mentioned quite frequently. What exactly is this? I read about a method table a while ago (I don't remember the purpose of the purpose of this either) and a google/search on here brings up C++ related results.



C#的虚函数表的工作原理基本相同,C ++的一个,所以它描述了如何在C ++虚函数表的作品应该可以帮助您pretty的任何资源以及与C#之一,也是。

The C# virtual function table works basically the same as the C++ one, so any resources which describe how the C++ virtual function table works should help you pretty well with the C# one as well.
