
2023-09-03 00:06:52 作者:本宫不退位,尔等终为妃


I noticed this the other day, say you have two overloaded methods:

public void Print<T>(IEnumerable<T> items) {
    Console.WriteLine("IEnumerable T"); 
public void Print<T>(T item) {
    Console.WriteLine("Single T"); 


public void TestMethod() {  
    var persons = new[] { 
        new Person { Name = "Yan", Age = 28 },
        new Person { Name = "Yinan", Age = 28 } 


Single T
Single T

为什么人[] 名单,其中,人物&GT; 更符合 T 比他们到的IEnumerable&LT; T&GT; 在这种情况下

Why are Person[] and List<Person> better matched to T than they are to IEnumerable<T> in these cases?


更新: 另外,如果您有其他重载

UPDATE: Also, if you have another overload

public void Print<T>(List<T> items) {
    Console.WriteLine("List T");

打印(persons.ToList()); 将实际打印列表牛逼而不是单牛逼

Print(persons.ToList()); will actually print List T instead of Single T.



The first part of your question (without the List-specific overload) is easy. Let's consider the Array call, because it works the same for both calls:

首先,类型推断产生的通话两种可能的通用实现:打印&LT;人[]&GT;(人[]项目)打印和LT ;人&GT;(IEnumerable的&LT;人&GT;项目)

First, type inference produces two possible generic implementations of the call: Print<Person[]>(Person[] items) and Print<Person>(IEnumerable<Person> items).


Then overload resolution kicks in and the first one wins, because the second requires an implicit conversion, where the first one does not (see § of the C# spec). The same mechanism works for the List variant.


With the added overload, a third possible overload is generated with the List call: Print<Person>(List<Person> items). The argument is the same as with the Print<List<Person>>(List<Person> items) but again, section provides the resolution with the language


Recursively, a constructed type is more specific than another constructed type (with the same number of type arguments) if at least one type argument is more specific and no type argument is less specific than the corresponding type argument in the other.

因此​​,打印&LT;人&GT; 过载比打印和LT更具体;列表&LT;人&GT;&GT; 超载和List版本战胜了IEnumerable,因为它不需要隐式转换。

So the Print<Person> overload is more specific than the Print<List<Person>> overload and the List version wins over the IEnumerable because it requires no implicit conversion.