游戏图形 - 质量相关的FPS控制?图形、质量、游戏、FPS

2023-09-02 02:05:21 作者:可笑

目前,我正在做一个游戏(在,采用的 Graphics类绘制大部分游戏的对象,但我碰到的表现的老问题。为了打击我已经添加了一些code自动降低游戏品质,所以我可以尝试,以提高游戏的速度滞后,这部作品在一定程度上,但偶还是游戏速度变慢时,更多的敌人是相当明显加入到更高的水平。我很新的图形类(仅限开始前几天使用它),所以唯一的事情我知道,有助于加快我的游戏是:关闭抗锯齿,降低定时器的时间间隔(其中大部分pretty的支配我的游戏刷新率),所以除了previous,还有没有其他的方法来提高我的比赛中的表现?




pssed作为新的HashSet(按键)私钥$ P $
私人firstRun由于布尔= TRUE
私人mouseDownB由于布尔= FALSE
私人newLevel由于布尔= TRUE
私人生活作为整数= 5
私人分数作为字符串= 0
私人PlayerX的作为整数= 403
私人playerY作为整数= 206
私人totaltEnemyCount为整数= 10
私人enemyCount为整数= 0
私人EX作为整数= 0
私人EY为整数= 0
私人ES为整数= 0
私人enemySpeed​​作为整数= 1
私人enemyAttacked为整数= 0
私人enemyActive为整数= 0
私人levelNumber只要= 0
私人FPS作为整数= 40
私人enemyCountIncrease由于布尔= TRUE
私人enemySpeed​​Increase由于布尔= FALSE

    G1 = Me.CreateGraphics
    g1.Smoothi​​ngMode = Drawing2D.Smoothi​​ngMode.AntiAlias

    mouseDownB = TRUE

    mouseDownB = FALSE

    如果e.Key code = Keys.Left然后
    elseif的e.Key code = Keys.Up然后
    elseif的e.Key code = Keys.Right然后
    elseif的e.Key code = Keys.Down然后

    键pressed.Remove(e.Key code)
'''''''''''''''''''''''''颜色随机生成器'''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''


'''''''''''''''''''''''''随机位置产生'''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''

    Timer1.Interval = FPS
    如果firstRun = TRUE,则
        levelNumber = levelNumber + 1
        g1.DrawString(等级&安培; levelNumber,新字体(DigifaceWide,64,GraphicsUnit.Pixel),新SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(191,R,G,B)中)中,X,Y)的
        firstRun = FALSE
    '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''移机''''​​''''''''''''' '''''''''''''
        如果PlayerX的> 0然后
            PlayerX的= PlayerX的 -  5
        如果playerY> 24然后
            playerY = playerY  -  5
        如果PlayerX的< 860随后
            PlayerX的= PlayerX的+ 5
        如果playerY< 388随后
            playerY = playerY + 5
    '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''激光产生''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''
    如果mouseDownB = TRUE,则
        g1.DrawLine(新钢笔(Color.FromArgb(102,R,G,B)),PlayerX的+ 12,playerY + 12,Control.MousePosition.X  -  Me.Bounds.X,Control.MousePosition.Y  -  Me.Bounds .Y)
    ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''敌代 - 新的水平''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''
    如果newLevel = TRUE,则
        levelNumber = levelNumber + 1
        做,而enemyCount< totaltEnemyCount
            昏暗我作为整数= 0
            REDIM enemyID(0)
            做,而enemyID.Length< = totaltEnemyCount
                EX = RandomEnemyX.Next(0,872)
                EY = RandomEnemyY.Next(24,400)
                ES = RandomEnemySide.Next(0,4)
                REDIM preserve enemyID第(i + 1)
                enemyID(ⅰ)= 1
                REDIM preserve enemyX第(i + 1)
                REDIM preserve enemyY第(i + 1)
                如果ES = 0然后'左侧
                    enemyX(ⅰ)= 0
                    enemyY(ⅰ)= EY
                elseif的ES = 1,则顶侧
                    enemyX(ⅰ)= EX
                    enemyY(ⅰ)= 24
                elseif的ES = 2那么右侧
                    enemyX(ⅰ)= 872
                    enemyY(ⅰ)= EY
                elseif的ES = 3然后'底侧
                    enemyX(ⅰ)= EX
                    enemyY(ⅰ)= 400
                enemyCount = enemyID.Length
                enemyActive = enemyActive + 1
                I = I + 1
        newLevel =假
    ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''敌攻击'''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''
    昏暗三为整数= 0
    做,而III< totaltEnemyCount
        如果(((Control.MousePosition.X  -  Me.Location.X)GT; enemyX(ⅲ)))和((Control.MousePosition.X  -  Me.Location.X)≤(enemyX(三)+ 16))和((Control.MousePosition.Y  -  Me.Location.Y)GT; enemyY(ⅲ))和((Control.MousePosition.Y  -  Me.Location.Y)≤(enemyY(三)+ 16))。然后
            如果mouseDownB = TRUE,则
                enemyID(ⅲ)= -1
                enemyX(ⅲ)= -1
                enemyY(ⅲ)= -1
                enemyActive = enemyActive  -  1
                enemyCount = enemyCount  -  1
        III = III + 1
    ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''招制敌'''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''
    昏暗II作为整数= 0
    做,而enemyMoved< totaltEnemyCount
        如果enemyActive< 1然后
            enemyCount = 0
            newLevel = TRUE
            如果enemyCountIncrease = TRUE,则
                totaltEnemyCount = totaltEnemyCount + 50
            elseif的enemySpeed​​Increase = true,那么
                enemySpeed​​ = enemySpeed​​ + 1
            g1.DrawString(等级&安培; levelNumber,新字体(DigifaceWide,64,GraphicsUnit.Pixel),新SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(191,R,G,B)中)中,X,Y)的
        如果enemyID(ⅱ)= -1。然后
        如果(enemyX(ⅱ) - (PlayerX的+ 4))≤; 0然后'左敌人
            enemyX(ⅱ)= enemyX(ⅱ)+ enemySpeed
        如果(enemyX(ⅱ) - (PlayerX的+ 4))> 0然后右边的敌人
            enemyX(ⅱ)= enemyX(ⅱ) -  enemySpeed
        如果(enemyY(ⅱ) - (playerY + 4))≤; 0然后'敌以上
            enemyY(ⅱ)= enemyY(ⅱ)+ enemySpeed
        如果(enemyY(ⅱ) - (playerY + 4))> 0然后'下面的敌人
            enemyY(ⅱ)= enemyY(ⅱ) -  enemySpeed
        enemyMoved = enemyMoved + 1
        II = II + 1
    enemyMoved = 0
    ''''''''''''''''''''''QDSA  - 质量Depentant调速''''''''''''''''''''
        昏暗elapTick为十进制= ST.ElapsedTicks
        如果elapTick< 5000那么慢下来
            FPS = FPS + 1
            enemySpeed​​Increase =假
            g1.Smoothi​​ngMode = Drawing2D.Smoothi​​ngMode.AntiAlias
            enemyCountIncrease = TRUE
        elseif的elapTick> 5000然后加快
            如果FPS> 1然后
                FPS = FPS  -  1
            g1.Smoothi​​ngMode = Drawing2D.Smoothi​​ngMode.None
            enemyCountIncrease =假
            如果enemySpeed​​< 4然后,
                enemySpeed​​Increase = TRUE
                enemySpeed​​Increase =假






     的xmlns =htt​​p://$p$psentation
        的xmlns:X =htt​​p://
        previewKeyDown =Window_ previewKeyDown
        previewKeyUp =Window_ previewKeyUp
        的WindowState =最大化>
    < Window.Resources>
        < D​​ataTemplate中数据类型={X:类型本地:玩家}>
            <椭圆填充=绿色行程=黑色高度={结合Size.Height}WIDTH ={结合Size.Width}/>
        < / DataTemplate中>

        < D​​ataTemplate中数据类型={X:键入地方:敌人}>
            <椭圆填充=红行程=黑色高度={结合Size.Height}WIDTH ={结合Size.Width}/>
        < / DataTemplate中>
    < /Window.Resources>

    < D​​ockPanel中>
        < D​​ockPanel.Background>
            <6一个LinearGradientBrush StartPoint可以=0,0的EndPoint =1,0不透明度=>
                <渐变停止颜色=红偏移= /&GT5。
            < /一个LinearGradientBrush>
        < /DockPanel.Background>
        < StackPanel的方向=横向背景=#7000DockPanel.Dock =评出的>
            < TextBlock的文本={结合生活,的StringFormat ='住:{0}'}保证金=10前景=艾莉斯蓝/>
            < TextBlock的文本={结合分数,的StringFormat ='分数:{0}'}保证金=10前景=艾莉斯蓝/>
        < / StackPanel的>
        < ItemsControl中的ItemsSource ={结合GameObjects}X:名称=GameArea>
            < ItemsControl.ItemContainerStyle>
                <风格的TargetType =内容presenter>
                    < setter属性=Canvas.LeftVALUE ={结合Location.X}/>
                    < setter属性=Canvas.TopVALUE ={结合Location.Y}/>
                < /样式和GT;
            < /ItemsControl.ItemContainerStyle>
            < ItemsControl.ItemsPanel>
                < ItemsPanelTemplate>
                    <帆布IsItemsHost =真/>
                < / ItemsPanelTemplate>
            < /ItemsControl.ItemsPanel>
        < / ItemsControl的>
    < / DockPanel中>
< /窗>
如何轻松设置 PC 游戏的图形设置

的code在我的项目金额(和它的洁净度)比较,你需要做的WinForms几乎所有的东西多的黑客。 也比较性能和分辨率无关。

I'm currently making a game (in that uses the Graphics class to draw most of the game objects, but i've run into the old problem of performance. To combat the lagging i've added some code to automatically lower the game quality so i can try to boost the game's speed, this works to a degree, but even still the game slows down quite noticeable when more "enemies" are added to the higher levels. I quite new to the graphics class (only started to use it a few days ago), so the only things i know that help speed up my game are: turning off Anti Aliasing, and lowering the Timer interval (which pretty much governs my games refresh rate), so besides the previous, are there any other ways to improve my game's performance?

Game screenshot...

Here's my code so far (the quality adjustment bit is at the bottom),

Public Class Form1

Private keysPressed As New HashSet(Of Keys)
Private firstRun As Boolean = True
Private mouseDownB As Boolean = False
Private newLevel As Boolean = True
Private randomColour As New Random
Private RandomEnemyX As New Random
Private RandomEnemyY As New Random
Private RandomEnemySide As New Random
Private life As Integer = 5
Private score As String = 0
Private playerX As Integer = 403
Private playerY As Integer = 206
Private totaltEnemyCount As Integer = 10
Private enemyCount As Integer = 0
Private enemyX(0) As Integer
Private enemyY(0) As Integer
Private enemyID(0) As Integer
Private EX As Integer = 0
Private EY As Integer = 0
Private ES As Integer = 0
Private enemyMoved As Integer
Private enemySpeed As Integer = 1
Private enemyAttacked As Integer = 0
Private enemyActive As Integer = 0
Private levelNumber As Long = 0
Private FPS As Integer = 40
Private g1 As Graphics
Private enemyCountIncrease As Boolean = True
Private enemySpeedIncrease As Boolean = False

Private Sub Form1_Shown(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Shown
    g1 = Me.CreateGraphics
    g1.SmoothingMode = Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias                           
End Sub

Private Sub Form1_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseDown
    mouseDownB = True
End Sub

Private Sub Form1_MouseUp(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseUp
    mouseDownB = False
End Sub

Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
    If e.KeyCode = Keys.Left Then
    ElseIf e.KeyCode = Keys.Up Then
    ElseIf e.KeyCode = Keys.Right Then
    ElseIf e.KeyCode = Keys.Down Then
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form1_KeyUp(sender As Object, e As KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyUp
End Sub
'''''''''''''''''''''''''Random colour generator''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Private Function R() As String
    Return randomColour.Next(0, 255)
End Function

Private Function G() As String
    Return randomColour.Next(0, 255)
End Function

Private Function B() As String
    Return randomColour.Next(0, 255)
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''''''Random location generator''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Private Function X() As String
    Return RandomEnemyX.Next(0, 494)
End Function

Private Function Y() As String
    Return RandomEnemyY.Next(24, 348)
End Function
'''''''''''''''''''''''''Main display & player generation''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Private Sub mainPaint(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
    Timer1.Interval = FPS
    Dim ST As New Stopwatch
    If firstRun = True Then
        levelNumber = levelNumber + 1
        g1.DrawString("Level " & levelNumber, New Font("DigifaceWide", 64, GraphicsUnit.Pixel), New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(191, R, G, B)), X, Y)
        g1.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(128, R, G, B)), 0, 0, 884, 24)
        g1.FillEllipse(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, R, G, B)), playerX, playerY, 24, 24)
        g1.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, R, G, B)), 0, 0, 884, 24)
        g1.DrawString("Life: 5", New Font("DigifaceWide", 20, GraphicsUnit.Pixel), New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(191, R, G, B)), 2, 0)
        g1.DrawString("Score: 0", New Font("DigifaceWide", 20, GraphicsUnit.Pixel), New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(191, R, G, B)), 100, 0)
        firstRun = False
    End If
    '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Move player''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
    If keysPressed.Contains(Keys.Left) Then
        If playerX > 0 Then
            playerX = playerX - 5
            g1.FillEllipse(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, R, G, B)), playerX, playerY, 24, 24)
        End If
    ElseIf keysPressed.Contains(Keys.Up) Then
        If playerY > 24 Then
            playerY = playerY - 5
            g1.FillEllipse(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, R, G, B)), playerX, playerY, 24, 24)
        End If
    ElseIf keysPressed.Contains(Keys.Right) Then
        If playerX < 860 Then
            playerX = playerX + 5
            g1.FillEllipse(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, R, G, B)), playerX, playerY, 24, 24)
        End If
    ElseIf keysPressed.Contains(Keys.Down) Then
        If playerY < 388 Then
            playerY = playerY + 5
            g1.FillEllipse(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, R, G, B)), playerX, playerY, 24, 24)
        End If
    End If
    '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Laser generation'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
    If mouseDownB = True Then
        g1.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(102, R, G, B)), playerX + 12, playerY + 12, Control.MousePosition.X - Me.Bounds.X, Control.MousePosition.Y - Me.Bounds.Y)
    End If
    ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Enemy generation - New level''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
    If newLevel = True Then
        levelNumber = levelNumber + 1
        Do While enemyCount < totaltEnemyCount
            Dim i As Integer = 0
            ReDim enemyID(0)
            Do While enemyID.Length <= totaltEnemyCount
                EX = RandomEnemyX.Next(0, 872)
                EY = RandomEnemyY.Next(24, 400)
                ES = RandomEnemySide.Next(0, 4)
                ReDim Preserve enemyID(i + 1)
                enemyID(i) = 1
                ReDim Preserve enemyX(i + 1)
                ReDim Preserve enemyY(i + 1)
                If ES = 0 Then 'Left side
                    enemyX(i) = 0
                    enemyY(i) = EY
                ElseIf ES = 1 Then 'Top side
                    enemyX(i) = EX
                    enemyY(i) = 24
                ElseIf ES = 2 Then 'Right side
                    enemyX(i) = 872
                    enemyY(i) = EY
                ElseIf ES = 3 Then 'Bottom side
                    enemyX(i) = EX
                    enemyY(i) = 400
                End If
                g1.FillEllipse(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, Color.Red)), enemyX(i), enemyY(i), 12, 12)
                enemyCount = enemyID.Length
                enemyActive = enemyActive + 1
                i = i + 1
        newLevel = False
    End If
    ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Enemy attacked''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
    Dim iii As Integer = 0
    Do While iii < totaltEnemyCount
        If (((Control.MousePosition.X - Me.Location.X) > enemyX(iii))) And ((Control.MousePosition.X - Me.Location.X) < (enemyX(iii) + 16)) And ((Control.MousePosition.Y - Me.Location.Y) > enemyY(iii)) And ((Control.MousePosition.Y - Me.Location.Y) < (enemyY(iii) + 16)) Then
            If mouseDownB = True Then
                enemyID(iii) = -1
                enemyX(iii) = -1
                enemyY(iii) = -1
                enemyActive = enemyActive - 1
                enemyCount = enemyCount - 1
            End If
        End If
        iii = iii + 1
    ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Move enemy'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
    Dim ii As Integer = 0
    Do While enemyMoved < totaltEnemyCount
        If enemyActive < 1 Then
            enemyCount = 0
            newLevel = True
            If enemyCountIncrease = True Then
                totaltEnemyCount = totaltEnemyCount + 50
            ElseIf enemySpeedIncrease = True Then
                enemySpeed = enemySpeed + 1
            End If
            g1.DrawString("Level " & levelNumber, New Font("DigifaceWide", 64, GraphicsUnit.Pixel), New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(191, R, G, B)), X, Y)
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If enemyID(ii) = -1 Then
            GoTo skipMove
        End If
        If (enemyX(ii) - (playerX + 4)) < 0 Then 'Enemy on left
            enemyX(ii) = enemyX(ii) + enemySpeed
        End If
        If (enemyX(ii) - (playerX + 4)) > 0 Then 'Enemy on right
            enemyX(ii) = enemyX(ii) - enemySpeed
        End If
        If (enemyY(ii) - (playerY + 4)) < 0 Then 'Enemy above
            enemyY(ii) = enemyY(ii) + enemySpeed
        End If
        If (enemyY(ii) - (playerY + 4)) > 0 Then 'Enemy below
            enemyY(ii) = enemyY(ii) - enemySpeed
        End If
        g1.FillEllipse(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(51, Color.Red)), enemyX(ii), enemyY(ii), 12, 12)
        enemyMoved = enemyMoved + 1
        ii = ii + 1
    enemyMoved = 0
    ''''''''''''''''''''''QDSA - Quality Depentant Speed Adjustment''''''''''''''''''''
        Dim elapTick As Decimal = ST.ElapsedTicks
        If elapTick < 5000 Then 'Slow down
            FPS = FPS + 1
            enemySpeedIncrease = False
            g1.SmoothingMode = Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias
            enemyCountIncrease = True
        ElseIf elapTick > 5000 Then 'Speed up
            If FPS > 1 Then
                FPS = FPS - 1
            End If
            g1.SmoothingMode = Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.None
            enemyCountIncrease = False
            If enemySpeed < 4 Then
                enemySpeedIncrease = True
                enemySpeedIncrease = False
            End If
        End If
End Sub
End Class


I have made a sample WPF project similar to what you need, just to give you an idea how powerful and beautiful and fast WPF is compared to ancient technologies.

It looks like this:

It's a little too much code to post it here entirely, so here is a link to a RAR file with the full source.

The main UI XAML is this:

<Window x:Class="SamsGameSample.MainWindow"
        <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:Player}">
            <Ellipse Fill="Green" Stroke="Black" Height="{Binding Size.Height}" Width="{Binding Size.Width}"/>

        <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:Enemy}">
            <Ellipse Fill="Red" Stroke="Black" Height="{Binding Size.Height}" Width="{Binding Size.Width}"/>

            <LinearGradientBrush StartPoint="0,0" EndPoint="1,0" Opacity=".6">
                <GradientStop Color="Blue" Offset="0"/>
                <GradientStop Color="Red" Offset=".5"/>
                <GradientStop Color="Green" Offset="1"/>
        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Background="#70000000" DockPanel.Dock="Top">
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Lives, StringFormat='Lives: {0}'}" Margin="10" Foreground="AliceBlue"/>
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Score, StringFormat='Score: {0}'}" Margin="10" Foreground="AliceBlue"/>
        <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding GameObjects}" x:Name="GameArea">
                <Style TargetType="ContentPresenter">
                    <Setter Property="Canvas.Left" Value="{Binding Location.X}"/>
                    <Setter Property="Canvas.Top" Value="{Binding Location.Y}"/>
                    <Canvas IsItemsHost="True"/>

Compare the amount of code in my project (and the cleanliness of it) to the multiple hacks you need to do almost anything in winforms. Also compare the performance, and the resolution independence.