
2023-09-02 10:33:10 作者:花自无心碎自怜

我正在写一个使用图形卡的验证程序。 我试着用多种方式;在最近的一个,我发现是使用:

I'm writing a program that is using a validation of graphic card. I tried using multiple ways; the closest one i found was using:

lblGrapics.Text = infotypes.VideocardName.GetName()

但自动回报等于1。 我怎样才能拿到卡的名称和其他specifations?

but the automatic return is equals 1. how can i get the card name and other specifations?



This will allow you to poll any WMI class and get the desired values for the properties. In your case, you would select from the Win32_VideoController class. Other WMI class can be found here.

Imports System.Management

Public Class WMI

    Public Shared Function GetWMISettingsDictionary(ByVal wmiClass As String,
                      ShoppingList() As String) As Dictionary(Of String, String)

        Dim wmiInfo As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
        Dim searcher As New System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher("select * from " & wmiClass)
        For Each item As System.Management.ManagementObject In searcher.Get

            For Each PC As System.Management.PropertyData In item.Properties

                ' perform case insensitive search 
                For Each s As String in ShoppingList
                    If s.ToLowerInvariant = PC.Name.ToLowerInvariant Then
                        If PC.Value IsNot Nothing Then
                            wmiInfo.Add(PC.Name, PC.Value.ToString)
                            ' halt search-by-name
                            Exit For
                        End If
                    End If
            ' Note: this is to prevent a crash when there is more than one item
            ' WMI reports on such as 2 display adapters; just get the first one.
            Exit For

        Return wmiInfo
    End Function

    ' helpful tool to see how WMI props are organized, discover the names etc  
    Public Shared Sub DebugWMIPropValues(wmiClass As String)

        Using searcher As New Management.ManagementObjectSearcher("Select * from " & wmiClass)
            Dim moReturn As Management.ManagementObjectCollection = searcher.Get

            For Each mo As Management.ManagementObject In moReturn

        End Using

    End Sub

    ' debug tool to poll a management object to get the properties and values
    Private Shared Sub DebugProperties(mo As Management.ManagementObject)

        For Each pd As PropertyData In mo.Properties
            If pd.Value IsNot Nothing Then

                If pd.Value.GetType Is GetType(String()) Then
                    Dim n As Integer = 0
                    For Each s As String In CType(pd.Value, Array)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0}({1}): {2}", pd.Name, n.ToString,
                                          If(pd.Value IsNot Nothing,
                        n += 1
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", pd.Name,
                                      If(pd.Value IsNot Nothing,
                End If
            End If
    End Sub
End Class


To use it you just create a "shopping list" of the properties you want and pass the WMI Class:

Dim shopList() As String = {"VideoProcessor", "Name", "AdapterRAM"}

' the return is a Dictionary to keep the Name and Value together
Dim wmiItems As Dictionary(Of String, String)
wmiItems = WMI.GetWMISettingsDictionary("Win32_VideoController", shopList)

' print them to the console window:
For Each kvp As KeyValuePair(Of String, String) In wmiItems
    Console.WriteLine("Item: {0}   value: {1}", kvp.Key, kvp.Value)


The class includes a way to dump the property names and values for a class. To use it:


只要看看在输出窗口的结果(调试菜单 - >窗口 - >输出继电器)


Item: AdapterRAM   value: 1073741824
Item: Name   value: AMD Radeon HD 6450
Item: VideoProcessor   value: ATI display adapter (0x6779)

作品在我的系统 TM 的

注意,更新: GetWMISettingsDictionary 是为收获属性的单个项目。由于是,它会得到大多数事情的设置,但只有第一个视频卡,先显示等。

Notes, Update: GetWMISettingsDictionary is intended for harvesting the properties for a single item. As is, it will get the settings for most things, but only the first video card, the first display etc.


There are several ways to change this depending on what you need. It could be modified to return a separate Dictionary in a List for each item. Or you could append a WHERE clause to the WMI class name to get the properties for a specific device and call it as often as needed:

  wmiClass = "Win32_VideoController WHERE Name = 'FizzBar Deluxe'"
  ' or
  wmiClass = "Win32_VideoController WHERE DeviceID = 'VideoController1'"

  wmiItems = WMI.GetWMISettingsDictionary(wmiClass , shopList)


The name search is now case-insensitive.

最后,注意低端视频适配器, AdapterRAM 将报告的系统总内存。这是因为适配器没有任何板载RAM简单地使用系统内存,因此它被正确报告。

Finally, note that with low-end video adapters, AdapterRAM will report total System RAM. This is because adapters without any on-board RAM simply use system RAM, so it is reporting correctly.
