
2023-09-02 21:45:25 作者:心城以北


I am trying to deserialize "SomeClass" with an older version of an application. I get this below exception


System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: The ObjectManager found an invalid number of fixups. This usually indicates a problem in the Formatter.

反序列化抛出异常,当我的连载0.9版本并尝试为使用反序列化版本0.8 。我以为 OptionalField 属性会做的伎俩,但事实并非如此。

Deserialization throws exception when I serialize version 0.9 and try to deserialize using version 0.8. I thought the OptionalField attribute would do the trick, but it didn't.

// Version 0.8
class Foo{
  Bar b;

// Version 0.9
class Foo{
  Bar b;
  Zoo z;


Given that I cannot change version 0.8, how should I add more state to Foo object such that previous versions can deserialize whatever they can?


Any pointer will be really appreciated.

更新1 酒吧和动物园等类,它们是可序列化,并包含散列表和其他序列化的东西。一切都在序列化这些类。 另外,我没有任何支柱。

Update 1 Bar and Zoo are other classes which are serializable and contains Hashtables and other serializable stuff. Everything is serializable in those classes. Also, I don't have any struts.



First, never NEVER use the CLR's serialization functions for anything that resembles long-term storage. We make that mistake usually once, put objects in a blob database field and pat ourselves in the back thinking we're clever. And then the CLR gets a patch or our assemblies change versions and you're screwed. So don't do it.

如果你仍然想这样做,管理问题的最好的方法是创建你自己的 SerializationBinder 看起来是这样的:

If you still want to do it, the best way to manage the problem is to create your own SerializationBinder that looks something like this:

public sealed class CustomBinder : SerializationBinder {

    public override Type BindToType(string assemblyName, string typeName) {

        Type typeToDeserialize = null;

        if (typeName.IndexOf("SomeType") != -1) {
            typeToDeserialize = typeof(Foo.Bar.Bax.NewType);
        else if (typeName.IndexOf("SomeOtherType") != -1) {
            typeToDeserialize = typeof(Foo.Bar.Bax.SomeOtherNewType);
        else {
            // ... etc

        return typeToDeserialize;



Note that I'm not offering a drop-in solution here, I'm recommending how to solve the problem. Once you've converted out of whatever you're doing, investigate other serialization technologies like protobuf, or write your own. Either way you should never rely on the CLR for long-term serialization support.