
2023-09-02 21:25:20 作者:脑洞开大发惹

我要反序列化一个复杂的JSON BLOB成标准的.NET容器使用在code表示不知道的JSON 。该公司预计的事情是在标准的.NET类型,特别是词典[字符串对象]或列表[对象]这里的对象可以是原始的或递归(词典或列表)。

I need to deserialize a complex JSON blob into standard .NET containers for use in code that is not aware of JSON. It expects things to be in standard .NET types, specifically Dictionary[string, object] or List[object] where "object" can be primitive or recurse (Dictionary or List).

我不能用静态类型映射的结果和JObject / JToken不适合。理想的情况下,会有一些方法(通过合同吧?),以原始JSON转换成基本的.NET容器。

I cannot use a static type to map the results and JObject/JToken don't fit. Ideally, there would be some way (via Contracts perhaps?) to convert raw JSON into basic .NET containers.


I've search all over for any way to coax the JSON.NET deserializer into creating these simple types when it encounters "{}" or "[]" but with little success.

任何帮助AP preciated!

Any help appreciated!



You cannot do what I was asking. At least not as far as I can tell after MUCH research. I had to edit the source of Json.NET.