
2023-09-02 01:35:53 作者:死一样的痛过


Can I make XmlSerializer ignore the namespace (xmlns attribute) on deserialization so that it doesn't matter if the attribute is added or not or even if the attribute is bogus? I know that the source will always be trusted so I don't care about the xmlns attribute.



Yes, you can tell the XmlSerializer to ignore namespaces during de-serialization.


Define an XmlTextReader that ignores namespaces. Like so:

// helper class to ignore namespaces when de-serializing
public class NamespaceIgnorantXmlTextReader : XmlTextReader
    public NamespaceIgnorantXmlTextReader(System.IO.TextReader reader): base(reader) { }

    public override string NamespaceURI
        get { return ""; }

// helper class to omit XML decl at start of document when serializing
public class XTWFND  : XmlTextWriter {
    public XTWFND (System.IO.TextWriter w) : base(w) { Formatting= System.Xml.Formatting.Indented;}
    public override void WriteStartDocument () { }


Here's an example of how you would de-serialize using that TextReader:

public class MyType1 
    public string Label
        set {  _Label= value; } 
        get { return _Label; } 

    private int _Epoch;
    public int Epoch
        set {  _Epoch= value; } 
        get { return _Epoch; } 

    String RawXml_WithNamespaces = @"
      <MyType1 xmlns='urn:booboo-dee-doo'>
        <Label>This document has namespaces on its elements</Label>
        <Epoch xmlns='urn:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'>0</Epoch>

    System.IO.StringReader sr;
    sr= new System.IO.StringReader(RawXml_WithNamespaces);
    var o1= (MyType1) s1.Deserialize(new NamespaceIgnorantXmlTextReader(sr));
    System.Console.WriteLine("nnDe-serialized, then serialized again:n");
    s1.Serialize(new XTWFND(System.Console.Out), o1, ns);


The result is like so:

      <Label>This document has namespaces on its elements</Label>