.NET XML序列化 - 存储引用,而不是对象的副本副本、而不是、对象、序列化

2023-09-02 10:22:28 作者:[深情是蛊]

在净/ C#应用程序,我有数据结构具有相互之间的引用。 当我序列化它们,净序列化与独立的对象副本的所有引用。 在以下示例中,我试图序列化到'人'数组

人可能会参考其他人。 In .Net/C# Application, I have data structures which have references to each other. When I serialize them, .Net Serializes all references with separate object copies. In Following Example, I am trying to serialize to Array of 'Person'

A 'Person' may have reference to another person.

public class Person
    public string Name;
    public Person Friend;

Person p1 = new Person();
p1.Name = "John";

Person p2 = new Person();
p2.Name = "Mike";

p1.Friend = p2;

Person[] group = new Person[] { p1, p2 };
XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Person[]));
using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter("test.xml"))
    ser.Serialize(tw,group );

//above code generates following xml





It is not possible with XmlSerializer. You could achieve this with DataContractSerializer using the PreserveObjectReferences property. You may take a look at this post which explains the details.


Here's a sample code:

public class Person
    public string Name;
    public Person Friend;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Person p1 = new Person();
        p1.Name = "John";

        Person p2 = new Person();
        p2.Name = "Mike";
        p1.Friend = p2;
        Person[] group = new Person[] { p1, p2 };

        var serializer = new DataContractSerializer(group.GetType(), null, 
            0x7FFF /*maxItemsInObjectGraph*/, 
            false /*ignoreExtensionDataObject*/, 
            true /*preserveObjectReferences : this is where the magic happens */, 
            null /*dataContractSurrogate*/);
        serializer.WriteObject(Console.OpenStandardOutput(), group);


This produces the following XML:

<ArrayOfPerson z:Id="1" z:Size="2" xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/ToDelete" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:z="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/">
    <Person z:Id="2">
        <Friend z:Id="3">
            <Friend i:nil="true"/>
            <Name z:Id="4">Mike</Name>
        <Name z:Id="5">John</Name>
    <Person z:Ref="3" i:nil="true"/>

现在设置 preserveObjectReferences 在构造函数中,你会得到这样的:

Now set PreserveObjectReferences to false in the constructor and you will get this:

<ArrayOfPerson xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/ToDelete" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
            <Friend i:nil="true"/>
        <Friend i:nil="true"/>
