
2023-09-02 10:08:08 作者:づ别说再见、


Okay I'm trying to use Lando (landocms.com) and I'm trying to get the pretty urls option to work.


Basically by default Lando creates link like: domain.com/index.php/page. Supposedly, there is a way to remove the index.php so the links become: domain.com/page. I have created an .htaccess as directed, however it does not work.


Here is the .htaccess I am using:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  RewriteCond   %{REQUEST_FILENAME}   !-f 
  RewriteCond   %{REQUEST_FILENAME}   !-d 
  RewriteRule   ^(.*)$                index.php/$1  [L]

我曾尝试变化,/index.php/,index.php文件的很多? ,还有更多但没有工作。据HostGator的一切都应该罚款。有什么想法吗?我想我要疯了,哈哈。

I have tried alot of variations, /index.php/, index.php? and plenty more but none work. According to HostGator everything should be fine. Any thoughts? I think I'm going crazy haha.




Rewriting for a CMS is a two-tier approach. First, you need to set your .htaccess (I have put a safer one here for you):

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule .+ index.php [QSA,L]

然后,LandoCMS允许你从生成的地址删除的index.php ,通过打开的管理面板适当的设置方式。请参见此链接了解详情。

Then, LandoCMS allows you to remove the index.php from the generated addresses, by means of turning on the appropriate setting in the administration panel. See this link for more information.

如果在的.htaccess 内容我已经给你不工作,则只需使用该CMS给你的人。

If the .htaccess content I've given you doesn't work, then simply use the one that the CMS has given you.