如何设置使用的.htaccess JPG文件的整个文​​件夹的缓存失效周期缓存、周期、如何设置、文件

2023-09-02 00:51:51 作者:独照.




 < FilesMatch(的CSS | main_banner.jpg | cart.png | main_logo.jpg |的favicon.ico | search_button.jpg | fp_banner.jpg)$>
   页眉设置缓存控制最大年龄= 2592000
< / FilesMatch>


只要把该文件夹中的.htaccess文件。然后,所有你需要的是头设置缓存控制最大年龄= 2592000指令,无需担心 FilesMatch 状态。

How can I set the cache expiry date of a whole folder of images using .htaccess?

Right now, I only want the contents of one specific folder to be given a long cache expiry date. I'm currently using the following code (pasted below), but I find it a pain because every time I add a new piece of art, I have to add it to this list. Is there a way I can just specify the entire folder?

<FilesMatch" (.css|main_banner.jpg|cart.png|main_logo.jpg|favicon.ico|search_button.jpg|fp_banner.jpg)$">
   Header set Cache-Control "max-age=2592000"


Just put the .htaccess file in that folder. Then all you need is the Header set Cache-Control "max-age=2592000" directive, without worrying about the FilesMatch condition.