
2023-09-02 00:51:52 作者:粗暴女友

我想在一个特定的文件夹中的文件丢失请求并将其重定向到 program.php 的文件夹中。

I want to take requests for missing files in a specific folder and redirect them to program.php in that folder.


This is a program I will use a lot in different places, and I would prefer to avoid specifying the name of the folder in the htaccess file.


errordocument 404 program.php


but the result is that the browser just prints out "program.php" and doesn't execute program.php.

我理解的为什么这是发生:基于文件的http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/core.html,网址不以一个斜线或http都PTED文本消息跨$ P $。

I understand why this is happening: based on the documentation at https://m.xsw88.com/allimgs/daicuo/20230902/303.png.jpg$ program.php?i=$1.jpg [L]


The second line verifies that the file does not exist, so that existing images will be shown correctly.