
2023-09-13 03:57:16 作者:若没人陪你颠沛流离


Is there any way to view what requests Protractor are waiting on? I'm trying to debug flaky state testing, but it is hard to tell whether a button didn't trigger a response or if Protractor didn't bother to wait.

TL; DR:我如何才能查看到量角器控制流剩下的承诺

TL;DR: How can I view the remaining promises on the Protractor control flow?


通常的做法是在调试模式下启动量角器的放的 browser.debugger() 断点前问题块code的。

The usual approach is to start protractor in a debug mode and put browser.debugger() breakpoint before the problem block of code.


在另一方面,你可以赶上的 chromedriver服务日志的看起来像:

On the other hand, you can catch the chromedriver service logs that look like:

[2.389][INFO]: COMMAND FindElement {
   "sessionId": "b6707ee92a3261e1dc33a53514490663",
   "using": "css selector",
   "value": "input"
[2.389][INFO]: Waiting for pending navigations...
[2.389][INFO]: Done waiting for pending navigations
[2.398][INFO]: Waiting for pending navigations...
[2.398][INFO]: Done waiting for pending navigations
[2.398][INFO]: RESPONSE FindElement {
   "ELEMENT": "0.3367185448296368-1"


Might also give you a clue of what is happening.

有关这一点,你需要使用启动铬 - 详细 - 日志路径参数:

For this, you need to start chrome with --verbose and --log-path arguments:

     browserName: "chrome",
     specs: [
     chromeOptions: {
         args: [


对于Firefox,您可以通过设置查看日志 webdriver.log.driver 和 webdriver.log.file Firefox的配置设置。

For firefox, you can turn on and view logs by setting webdriver.log.driver and webdriver.log.file firefox profile settings.


监控JSON线协议日志 如何更改Firefox配置文件 Monitoring JSON wire protocol logs How to change firefox profile