
2023-09-13 03:36:20 作者:淫大代表




I was wondering if the use case of having dynamically generated tabs, think of a list of clients, would work with your solution for tabs in ui-router extras? The issue is that your example uses named ui-views which would not work in my situation as they are generated at runtime and the routes that you added are at config time.


Thanks in advance, Luisz


您可以生成动态的只是用$ stateProvider在控制器的状态,并在视图绑定的名称与UI视图名称

You can generate states dynamically just using $stateProvider in your controller and the ui-view name in the view binding the name

<div ui-view="myView{{variable}}"></div>

有使用插值意见的问题,而是自0.2.12 (上传到最新的 0.2.13 的情况下,它不工作)和这里是一个例子,但没有UI的路由器临时演员。让我们知道,如果它工作正常或更新plnkr。

There was an issue using interpolated views, but is solved since 0.2.12 (Upload to latest 0.2.13 in case it doesn't work) and here is an example but without ui-router-extras. Let us know if it works fine or update a plnkr.