
2023-09-13 03:33:17 作者:盖世小仙女


I have got a controller named newGroupCtrl whose definition is like :

.state('new_group', {
    url: '/new_group',
    templateUrl: 'templates/new_group.html',
    controller: 'newGroupCtrl'

.controller('newGroupCtrl', function ($scope, $rootScope,$ionicHistory,$window) {
    $rootScope.roomId = $scope.getRoom();

    $scope.getRoom = function () {
        var date = new Date;
        var minutes = date.getMinutes();
        var hour = date.getHours();
        return 'room_' + hour + '' + minutes;


I reach this contoller from previous page by :

$window.location.href = ('#/new_group');

这是很好的,直到如今。 $ rootScope.roomId 变量在newGroupCtrl控制器正确初始化。

That's good until now. $rootScope.roomId variable is initialized in the newGroupCtrl controller properly.

从这个new_group页,我导航到另一个页面。当我通过调用 $ window.location.href =('#/ new_group')导航回到此页; ,  $ rootScope.roomId 未再次初始化,而不是它的旧值仍然存在。该newGroupCtrl的状态是preserved。

From this new_group page, I navigate to another page. And when I navigate back to this page by calling $window.location.href = ('#/new_group');, $rootScope.roomId is not initialized again, instead its old value is still there. The state of the newGroupCtrl is preserved.


How can I completely reinitialize newGroupCtrl?



You need to tell state that reload controller each time when URL is getting accessed via browser by just adding adding reload option of state to true like reload: true.


.state('new_group', {
    url: '/new_group',
    templateUrl: 'templates/new_group.html',
    controller: 'newGroupCtrl',
    reload: true //will reload controller when state is being access

您应该使用 $ state.go('new_group')而不是做 $ window.location.href =('#/ new_group ); 这将确保路由变化都会通过 UI路由器识别

You should use $state.go('new_group') instead of doing $window.location.href = ('#/new_group'); which will ensure that the route changes will recognize by ui-router.

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