
2023-09-14 23:07:51 作者:此名帅到加载失败


I am having problem with setting up a service that will perform asynchronous http request.


我有一个后端端点 /cars.json 当你点击这个端点首次后台作业,这将获取所有信息会启动汽车。服务器然后返回响应状态为200:

I have a backend endpoint /cars.json When you hit this endpoint for the first time the background job which will fetch all the cars information gets started. Server then returns response with status 200:

{"status":"started", "percentage_completion":0, "data":null, "error":null}

连续请求该端点将继续使用更新的 percentage_completion 的

{"status":"started", "percentage_completion":45, "data":null, "error":null}
{"status":"started", "percentage_completion":90, "data":null, "error":null}


Finally the request to the endpoint will return:

{"status":"finished", "percentage_completion":100, "data": {...}, "error":null}

和幸福的日子我有一个数据,我可以把它添加到 $范围

and happy days I have a data and I can add it to the $scope.


But I am having hard time to get my head around the promises and angular way of doing things...


   var dashboard = angular.module('dashboard', [                                                                                       

   dashboard.controller('dashboardController', ['carsService', '$scope',                                                          
        function(carsService, $scope){                                                                                             
          $scope.test = "Loading...";                                                                                                   
              $scope.test = response.data;                                                                                              

    dashboard.factory('carsService', ['$http', function($http){                                                                    
      var get = function(){                                                                                                             
        return $http.get('/cars.json');                                                                                            
      return {                                                                                                                          
        get: get                                                                                                                        


It sends a single request to the server and updates the test on the scope with the first response stating the job has been started. When I refresh the page after few seconds I get the test updated with a correct data and the finish status.


What would be a best way, angular way:) with promises and stuff to have the service and controller do it automatically.

第一件事是使用 $间隔或类似的东西,并定期重新发送。然后从(成功)的要求,但也许有更好的方法

First thing that comes to my head is to use a $interval or something similar and periodically resend the request from .then(success) but maybe there is a better way.


Angular documentation says something about progress/notify promise but at the moment I have no idea how to wire it in.

很显然,我不完全理解的那一刻,我刚刚介绍给他们的承诺 - 你可以分享一些技巧/关于如何处理异步请求的资源使用的角度

Obviously I don't fully understand the promises at the moment, I just got introduced to them - can you share some tips/resources on how to deal with asynchronous requests using angular?



I guess you can use nested promise to achieve progress notify:

function get(){

    var defer = $q.defer();

    (function fetchData(){

            if(result.status === 'started'){
            }else if(result.status === 'finished'){
        }, function(err){


    return defer.promise;

当你调用获得(),它首先调用 fetchData 从服务器请求数据。当 fetchData 解决,检查 result.status ,如果状态还没有完成,调用 fetchData 再次通知outter延迟,否则,解决outter与最终结果推迟

when you call get(), it first call fetchData to request data from server. When fetchData resolved, check result.status, if status is not finished, call fetchData again and notify outter defer, otherwise, resolve outter defer with final result

//in controller
    function(finalData){ $scope.test = finalData }, 
    function(err){ ... }, 
    function(notifyData){ $scope.test = notifyData }