
2023-09-13 03:27:51 作者:一个人想着一个人


Now I know that because of the way javascript executes it is recommended that you run all remote requests as async instead of sync. While I agree with that 99% of the time, sometimes you do want to run remote request as a sync instead of a async. For example, loading session data is something I would want to do synchronically as I don't want any views to render until that data is loaded. This plunker shows the issue with loading session data asynchronically (NOTE: I am using $timeout to simulate what would happen with an async call):

http://plnkr.co/edit/bzE1XP23MkE5YKWxRYrn?p=$p$ PVIEW


The data property does not load anything because the data is not available when it tries to get it and data2 does only because the data is available when it tries to get it. Now in this case I could just put the session variable on the scope and be done with it but that is not always the case.


Is there a better way to do sync remote calls in an angular application other than using jQuery's .ajax() method (trying to depend on jQuery as little as possible)?


如果您希望会话数据之前要加载控制器加载,你应该包括它作为为解析参数(假设你正在使用的 $ routeProvider )。

If you want the session data to be loaded prior to a controller being loaded, you should included it as as resolve parameter (assuming you are using the $routeProvider).


angular.module('mymodule', ['ngResource'])

  /* here's our session resource.  we can call Session.get() to retrieve it. */
  .factory('Session', ['$resource', function($resource) {
     return $resource('/api/session.json');

  /* here's our controller + route definition. */
  .config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {

    $routeProvider.when('/foo', {
      controller: 'MyCtrl',
      templateUrl: '/templates/foo.html',

      /* the controller will not be loaded until the items
       * below are all resolved! */
      resolve: {
        session: ['$q', 'Session', function($q, Session) {
          var d = $q.defer();
          Session.get(function(session) {
            /* session returned successfully */
          }, function(err) {
            /* session failed to load */
          return d.promise;

  .controller('MyCtrl', ['$scope', 'session', function($scope, session) {
    /* 'session' here is the key we passed to resolve above.
     * It will already be loaded and resolved before this function is called */
    $scope.session = session;