
2023-09-14 00:10:53 作者:顾念


<a href="{{myAwesomeLink}}">It's a link. A dynamic one, at that.</a>


<img src="{{URLtoMyPerfectImage}}">

一个需要使用 ngSrc 来代替。我想知道为什么是这样的呢?我有一个类似的问题,得到一个SRC(或者是它的href'?我不记得了)在Handlebars.js工作,放弃了它(pressure交付)。

One needs to use ngSrc instead. May I know why this is the case? I had a similar problem getting a 'src' (or was it 'href'? I don't remember) to work in Handlebars.js and gave up on it (pressure for delivery).


Is this a pervasive browser issue or something similar?



<a href="{{myAwesomeLink}}">It's a link. A dynamic one, at that.</a>


works, it is not the best practice when dynamically creating links using Angular. Any time you use data binding in an anchor tag you should use the ng-href directive. So the code for the anchor tag should look like:

<a ng-href="{{myAwesomeLink}}">It's a link. A dynamic one, at that.</a>



Using Angular markup like in an href attribute makes the page open to a wrong URL, if the user clicks that link before angular has a chance to replace the with actual URL, the link will be broken and will most likely return a 404 error. The ngHref directive solves this problem.


This helps us understand ng-src: So with

<img src="{{imgPath}}">


The browser tries to load the image, but Angular has not yet replaced the bracketed expression within the src, so the image fails to load. By using

<img ng-src="{{imgPath}}">


you are telling the browser to wait to load the image until the bracketed expression has been filled in, thus loading the correct image.