
2023-09-13 03:01:23 作者:听弦断ミ断那三千痴缠


I am using aurelia and want to filter a collection (array) in view rather than in view model.


I am trying the following syntax to do so:

<div class="col-sm-7  col-md-7 col-lg-7 ${errors.filter(function(err){return err.Key==='car.Model';}).length >0? 'alert alert-danger' :''}">
            <span repeat.for="error of errors">
                <span if.bind="error.Key==='car.Model'">


And I am getting following error in browser console:

错误:分析器错误:在第28栏缺少预期)errors.filter(功能(错误){返回err.Key ==='car.Model']


This is possible in angularJS as follows:

 <div class="small-7  medium-7 large-7 columns end">
        <span class="error" ng-repeat="error in errors  | filter:{ Key: 'car.Model'}">
            <span class="error-message">


Is similar thing also possible in aurelia?

我也很想知道如何收集/阵列可以在 repeat.for 过滤在奥里利亚(类似于 NG-重复)。我试图使用过滤功能以类似的方式,但它也没有工作,我得到了类似的错误。

I would also love to know how a collection/array can be filtered in repeat.for in aurelia (similar to ng-repeat). I tried to use filter function in similar fashion but it too didn't work and I got similar error.



It's a little embarrassing. But after a little research (which I should have done beforehand :P) I have got the answer.


It can be done using ValueConverter as shown here: http://jdanyow.github.io/aurelia-converters-sample/.



Now my code looks like this:

<div class="col-sm-7  col-md-7 col-lg-7 alert alert-danger" if.bind="errors | hasPropertyValue:'Key':'car.Model'">
    <span repeat.for="error of errors | filterOnProperty:'Key':'car.Model'">

和我在打字稿定义夫妇valueconverters的( valueconverters.ts

And I have defined couple of valueconverters in TypeScript (valueconverters.ts):

export class FilterOnPropertyValueConverter {
toView(array: {}[], property: string, exp: string) {

    if (array === undefined || array === null || property === undefined || exp === undefined) {
        return array;
    return array.filter((item) => item[property].toLowerCase().indexOf(exp.toLowerCase()) > -1);

export class HasPropertyValueValueConverter {
toView(array: {}[], property: string, exp: string) {

    if (array === undefined || array === null || property === undefined || exp === undefined) {
        return false;
    return array.filter((item) => item[property].toLowerCase().indexOf(exp.toLowerCase()) > -1).length > 0;

和我最后的进口,这些在我看来:&LT;进口来自=yourPath / valueconverters&GT;&LT; /进口&GT;

And I finally imported these in my view: <import from="yourPath/valueconverters"></import>