AngularJS NG重复与引导旋转木马木马、AngularJS、NG

2023-09-14 00:09:55 作者:幼稚园里跑出来的疯小孩


 < D​​IV CLASS =旋转木马ID =滑盖的风格=保证金左:20像素;>    <标签类=labelSecurity>事故照片< /标签>< BR />    < D​​IV CLASS =旋转木马-内>        < D​​IV CLASS =项目活动NG-重复=照片photoPath>            < IMG SRC ={{photo.path}}级=IMG响应>        < / DIV>    < / DIV>    <一类=旋转木马控制权的href =#滑盖数据滑=下一步>< / A>< / DIV> 



 < D​​IV CLASS =项NG-CLASS ={活跃:$指数}NG重复=照片photoPath> 


I am trying to get this ng-repeat loop to work with the bootstrap carousel, but the way I understand and am currently using the carousel elsewhere is that only one div containing an image can be marked with the 'active' class, and one div must be marked with active otherwise the carousel fails. It also fails if more than one is marked. One and only one div can be marked active. Every other div should just be marked 'class=item' How to do I make that happen with ng-repeat? Thank you.

<div class="carousel" id="slider" style="margin-left: 20px;">

    <label class="labelSecurity">Incident Photos</label><br />

    <div class="carousel-inner">
        <div class="item active" ng-repeat="photo in photoPath">
            <img src="{{ photo.path }}" class="img-responsive">

    <a class="carousel-control right" href="#slider" data-slide="next"></a>



Then just mark the first one as active, like this:

<div class="item" ng-class="{active:!$index}" ng-repeat="photo in photoPath">
