
2023-09-13 02:51:12 作者:垂涎自由


There is a list of items. If an item is clicked anoter view is revealed beside the item. I want this view to have the same offsetTop as the item. I know how to do this in jQuery, however cannot find a solution in pure angularjs. This is what I tried so far

top = angular.element('#user'+user.id).prop('offsetTop');
angular.element('#feed-details').css('margin-top', top);


This has no effect. Any ideas how to achieve this in angularjs?


长度都必须有一个单位。 的offsetTop 是一个无单位数字。所以,只需要添加PX来了。

Lengths must have a unit. offsetTop is a unitless number. So just add "px" to it.

这是说,你可以只是做在香草的JavaScript :

That said, you could just do it in Vanilla JavaScript:

document.getElementById('feed-details').style.marginTop =