
2023-09-13 02:45:30 作者:作业天天追着我告白!


请参阅plunkr: http://plnkr.co/edit/lSf4XK?p= preVIEW


  columnDefs:    {场:'complex.name,显示名:名称,headerCellTemplate:header_template2.html},    {场:'complex.active',    DIMENSION1:测试,    显示名:进行中,    headerCellTemplate:header_template.html',    cellTemplate:'checkBoxTemplate.html'}] 

DIMENSION1 属性将在像这样的模板访问:

 < D​​IV提示={{col.dimension1}}> {{col.displayName}}< / DIV> 
我是xp系统 打开无线网的时候会自动连接一个网络 但是我却看不到那个网络列表 刷新也没有用


内置的解决方案 - 多一种解决方法 - 在这里: http://plnkr.co/edit/0PMmrw?p=$p$pview


  columnDefs:    {场:'complex.name,显示名:名称},    {场:'complex.active',    cellClass:溢出可见,    显示名:{名称:进行中,提示:测试},    headerCellTemplate:header_template.html',    cellTemplate:'checkBoxTemplate.html'}] 


 < D​​IV NG点击=col.sort($事件)NG-CLASS ='小马'+ col.index级=ngHeaderText工具提示={ {col.displayName.tooltip}}> {{col.displayName.name}}< / DIV> 


Using ng-grid, I'd like to add my own tooltip, using a header cell template. To do so I'd like to create a column property called "tooltip" for instance. Tried that and it doesn't show up in the col properties. What do you think about giving us that functionality. Otherwise I create a new template in each case?

See plunkr: http://plnkr.co/edit/lSf4XK?p=preview

Ideally, the gridOptions would contain columnDefs like this:

  columnDefs: [
    {field: 'complex.name', displayName: 'Name', headerCellTemplate:'header_template2.html'},
    dimension1: "Testing",
    displayName: 'In Progress', 
    cellTemplate : 'checkBoxTemplate.html'}]

and that dimension1 property would be accessible in the template like so:

<div tooltip="{{col.dimension1}}">{{col.displayName}}</div>


Built a solution - more of a workaround - here: http://plnkr.co/edit/0PMmrw?p=preview

Here's an excerpt. I make displayName an object instead of a string:

  columnDefs: [
    {field: 'complex.name', displayName: 'Name'},
    cellClass: 'overflow-visible',
    displayName: {name:'In Progress', tooltip:'Testing'}, 
    cellTemplate : 'checkBoxTemplate.html'}]

And then refer to it in the cell template like so:

  <div ng-click="col.sort($event)" ng-class="'colt' + col.index" class="ngHeaderText" tooltip="{{col.displayName.tooltip}}">{{col.displayName.name}}</div>

Edit The problem with this is that it will throw errors because the implementation of ng-grid expects displayName to be a string (at least in v2.0.7); it calls col.displayName.toLowerCase().