初始化变量一次以prevent" 10 $摘要()迭代达到"初始化、变量、摘要、迭代

2023-09-13 02:36:29 作者:那季花落丶乱了流年

我做了NG-重复了由控制器中声明的函数返回一个列表,我得到10 $摘要()迭代达到。中止!消息。

I'm doing a ng-repeat over a list returned by a function declared in the controller and I'm getting "10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting!" message.

<div ng-repeat element in list()></div>


MyCtrl = ($scope)->
    $scope.list = ->
        list = {}
        for e in someArray
            ....    #adding stuff to list

我发现这个问题是 $ scope.list()函数被调用好几次,每次调用函数的局部上榜时间变量被重新分配,这样的角度看到不同的对象,每次和ngRepeat元素重绘。我怎样才能避免这种情况?

I discovered the problem is the $scope.list() function is being called several times and each time the function is called the local list variable is re-assigned so angular sees a different object each time and the ngRepeat element is redrawn. How can I avoid this?



Angular expressions are evaluated at least two times per each $digest and $digest can run 10 times at a time (when bindings need to be "refreshed"). This means that expressions will be re-evaluated many times over. This is one of the common pitfall with Angular. So you need to make sure you don't call functions directly in your expressions. Instead, have the function executed once, inside the controller, and than use the function result in the expression:

function MyCtrl($scope){

  function makeList(){
    var list = [];
    // do some logic to generate a list
    return list;

  $scope.list = makeList();

<div ng-repeat="element in list"></div>


In case you have to call the scope methods directly than make sure the methods are idempotent.