"新增未实现的方法"在Android Studio的功能功能、方法、quot、QUOT

2023-09-13 02:27:14 作者:补刀团长撒浪嘿

在Eclipse IDE中有一个很大的特点,您可以添加(实现)所需的所有特定类的方法。我正在寻找在Android Studio IDE中此功能,但没有成功为止。是不是有什么相似?对我来说这是关键,特点之一,不能没有。

In the Eclipse IDE there is a great feature allows you to add (implement) all of the required methods of the particular class. I'm looking for this feature in the Android Studio IDE, but without success so far. Is there something similar? For me it is one of the key-features and can't live without.


我不想选择的方法来implemet。我想IDE做到这一点对我来说像Eclipse在做什么。例如,当我点击添加未实现的方法任何活动推广的类所有这些里面的onCreate() 的onPause() onResume()生成。

I don't want to choose methods to implemet. I want IDE to do it for me like Eclipse were doing. For example when I clicked "Add unimplemented methods" inside any Activity extented class all of these onCreate() onPause() onResume() were generated.


当然有。这就是所谓的实施方法或替换方法。默认的快捷键是 CTRL-I 和 CTRL-O 。请参见实施办法并的
