
2023-09-13 01:57:11 作者:浮若淺笑


I have placed some bitmaps in res/drawable.

在我加载位图由BitmapFactory.de codeResource(),我发现,它们会自动根据密度的大小。

After I load the bitmaps by BitmapFactory.decodeResource(), I find out that they are resized automatically according the density.

这是不是我想要的。 我希望他们能够保持其原有的大小(像素大小)。

This is not what I want. I want them to keep their original size (pixel size).



正如有人说的另外一个问题,使用提拉 - nodpi文件夹将prevent机器人从调整你的照片。

As was said in another question, using the drawable-nodpi folder will prevent android from resizing your pictures.


Additionally, if you want to have multiple versions of an image for hdpi and ldpi format, but don't want the system to resize them (to keep a power of two resolution for example), you can use the following code while loading your bitmpap :

// ask the bitmap factory not to scale the loaded bitmaps
BitmapFactory.Options opts = new BitmapFactory.Options();
opts.inScaled = false;

// load the bitmap
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(ctx.getResources(), R.id.mybmp, opts);